Thursday, May 17, 2012

Run with me


Hold me on this night, help this pain subside
I sometimes cant contain this rage that wars inside, sorry that it drives you away
 But I’m loosing me, Am I loosing you?
sometimes I wonder why I still breath
I don’t know what to say, but….
run with me
run with me in the rain
Walk with me even when our feet bleed

I don’t know how far this road will be or where it leads
 I don’t know how many mountains we will have to climb or how many oceans we will swim….
but come with me

run with me in this storm
hold my hand in the night
Just don’t ever let go, because one day the sun will arise!


The inconsistencies in my life tell a story of unworthiness....
But the writing in the book tell me that I am loved by he who is worthy....
The revelations unseen not by you but by me ask me to cross an ocean with out a raft, ....
Climb a mountain without a rope....
Walk a mile with out sight ....
Because you are my guide....
But I hide my shame beneath the shadow of your wings....
I shield my face from your glory for I am wretchedly unclean....
Lord forgive this disposition of mine free me from my sublimed mind....
There is uneasiness inside of me....
I hear the swords clanging, the angle’s wings flapping ....
The battle belongs to the Lord....
Two worlds are colliding; fierce is the onslaught for me....
But I am yours and you are mine and forever my first love you will be....

A fire has been lit within me

A light has been lite in me
A consuming fire for all to see
No stone nor threat will silence me
Whatever the cost I will praise thee

The earth may crumble
The oceans go dry
Your hand release the stars from the sky
Even then, I will praise thee

Those who come against me I will pray for
My enemies I will love
No weapon will prosper
No shadow or evil will defeat my great and awesome God!

Golden City

A parted sky shows off what it hides behind its veil
I see rows of gold castles floating in the air; its well-polished golden walls are reflected on a glassy river that runs below
What is this brilliant light that sets a massive sky a glow?
I blink once, I blink twice, can any one else see? Or is this a gift just for me?

 My soul enters a swooning trance, my eyes transfixed at such an awesome splendor dance.  This next part I am unclear on how to speak out, though my eyes were captivated by the gold city my car drove on and steady as if there were two of me! My body is doing the driving, but my spirit doing the witnessing.

On this cold night I feel fuzzy and warm all inside. I have the sensation of being rapture off my seat, but my body does not move from where I sit. My radio plays in the background, and as if on cue a collection of angelic voices begin to sing.  It's a choir of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard, but I do not recognize the song (nor have I heard it since then) but somehow I know it is suppose to go with the vision my eyes feast on
I join the choir and sing with them….

Praise-praise Him, HOLY-HOLY-HOLY is His mighty name! 

Tears run down my face.

I’m at the end of the road now, and I must turn right, but I don't want to look away. But as I do, the once parted clouds come together as two curtains being drawn to a close after a performance.  The golden city is out of sight, but the vision forever now lives in my heart.

Thank you Lord for allowing me to witness your boldness and giving me a sneak peak of what is behind your living room curtain.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Since the moment we are born the season's clock starts ticking.  There is a time to be born and a time to die, so all the seasons inbetween those two when all combined, we call: life.  This blog is about those seasons and how I fill that time up.  There is a time to play and time work. A time to laugh and a time to cry. A time to hurt and a time to forgive a time to mourn and a time to celebrate. 
                                                                              and a time to write, so lets begin.